Genetic Legacy?
Last Friday I had some surgery to relieve the symptoms of Dupuytren’s contracture.
My father had the same operation late in his life, too. It turns out to be a genetic condition afflicting primarily males of northern European descent. That means I have probably passed this along to my sons, and, less likely, to my daughter.
As medical conditions go, this is more an annoyance than anything. Your fingers slowly close. A surgical procedure can remove the contracting tissue and not impact the underlying ligaments, tendons and nerves.
I saw some interesting YouTube videos showing the procedure; and they make for interesting viewing if you have to face the surgical procedure.
Update Dec 16, 2022
Got the stitches out today. Everything works! I have to do some skincare (massage 3x/day with vitamin E, Moderna silicon patch at night) to reduce/heal scarring and do some physical therapy (to stretch the ligament back to full length), but all is well. Color me happy.
Update January 2, 2023
Started physical therapy today, mostly to do two things — 1) minimize/absorb scar tissue and 2) restore sensation in my palm area. I’m super pleased.