
Grass Valley

Rt. 49 runs north and south along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, at about 3000 feet elevation. Further east are serious mountains. To the west are foothills descending to California’s huge Central Valley. It was along this route where gold was discovered in 1848, triggering the Gold Rush and the…

Demo Quake books

Demo Quake books

I was recently introduced to the concept of a “Quake book” — a book that changed the way you looked at things in a profound and persistant way.  As one blogger characterized his concept derived from a conversation between polymath Tyler Cowen and Ryan Holiday … Every once in a while, I stumble across something…

2016: Simplify

2016: Simplify

Simplification is a watchword for my 2016.   When writing for customers, clients and even shareholders, I’ll keep George Orwell’s six simple guidelines for writers to follow, as specified in Politics and the English language: Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. Never use…